Gavin Brasfield

Gavin Brasfield

Hardcore social media specialist. Total tvaholic. Devoted pop culture fan. Total twitter expert. Award-winning bacon aficionado.

62 Author´s Posts
How Customized Strategic Planning Services Can Boost Your Business

How Customized Strategic Planning Services Can Boost Your Business

In today's fast-paced business world, having a strategic plan is crucial for success. However, generic strategic plans...

What is Blue Ocean Strategy and How Can it Transform Your Business?

What is Blue Ocean Strategy and How Can it Transform Your Business?

Welcome to our article on Blue Ocean Strategy, a revolutionary concept in strategic planning that has taken the business...

The Importance of Assigning Responsibilities in the Strategic Planning Process

The Importance of Assigning Responsibilities in the Strategic Planning Process

In any organization, it is essential to have a strategic plan in place to achieve its goals and objectives. However,...

Understanding the Balanced Scorecard: A Strategic Planning Model

Understanding the Balanced Scorecard: A Strategic Planning Model

Welcome to our article on the Balanced Scorecard, a strategic planning model that has revolutionized the way businesses...

Real-World Examples of Successful Strategic Planning

Real-World Examples of Successful Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is an essential aspect of any successful business. It involves setting goals, assessing resources, and ...

Assessing the Current State: A Comprehensive Look at the Strategic Planning Process

Assessing the Current State: A Comprehensive Look at the Strategic Planning Process

When it comes to any organization, assessing the current state is a crucial step in the strategic planning process. It...

Applying Principles to Your Own Strategy: A Case Study in Success

Applying Principles to Your Own Strategy: A Case Study in Success

In today's fast-paced and competitive business landscape, having a solid strategy is crucial for success. But how do you...

A Comprehensive Look at Managing Organizational Change

A Comprehensive Look at Managing Organizational Change

Organizational change is an inevitable and necessary process for any business to adapt and thrive in today's constantly...

Assessing Financial Performance: A Comprehensive Guide

Assessing Financial Performance: A Comprehensive Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on assessing financial performance, a crucial aspect of any organization's success....

Integrating OKRs into Strategic Planning: A Comprehensive Overview

Integrating OKRs into Strategic Planning: A Comprehensive Overview

Integrating OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) into strategic planning has become a hot topic in the business world. With...

Understanding the OKR Framework for Strategic Planning

Understanding the OKR Framework for Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is crucial for any organization looking to achieve its goals and stay ahead of the competition. In...

Learning from Failed Strategic Planning Efforts: Understanding the Importance of Reflection and Adaptation

Learning from Failed Strategic Planning Efforts: Understanding the Importance of Reflection and Adaptation

Strategic planning is a crucial aspect of any organization's success. It involves setting goals, developing strategies,...

The Power of Strategic Planning

The Power of Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is a powerful tool that can help organizations set goals, make informed decisions, and achieve...

Conducting Market Research: A Comprehensive Guide

Conducting Market Research: A Comprehensive Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on conducting market research! Whether you're a new business owner or a seasoned...

Applying Blue Ocean Strategy to Your Business

Applying Blue Ocean Strategy to Your Business

Are you looking for a way to take your business to the next level? Are you tired of competing in crowded, highly...

An Overview of Porter's Five Forces Model

An Overview of Porter's Five Forces Model

Are you looking to develop a solid understanding of strategic planning frameworks? Look no further than Porter's Five...

Best Practices and Lessons Learned for Your Industry: Capturing Readers' Attention

Best Practices and Lessons Learned for Your Industry: Capturing Readers' Attention

Welcome to our article on best practices and lessons learned for your industry! Are you looking for ways to improve your...

How to Ensure Alignment with Business Goals for Successful Strategy Implementation

How to Ensure Alignment with Business Goals for Successful Strategy Implementation

Welcome to our article on how to ensure alignment with business goals for successful strategy implementation. In today's...

The Importance of Analyzing Market Trends

The Importance of Analyzing Market Trends

In today's fast-paced and ever-changing business world, it is crucial for companies to stay on top of market trends in...

Understanding Porter's Five Forces: A Comprehensive Overview

Understanding Porter's Five Forces: A Comprehensive Overview

Welcome to our comprehensive guide to understanding Porter's Five Forces. Whether you're a business student or a seasoned ...

Setting and Tracking Objectives and Key Results: A Comprehensive Guide

Setting and Tracking Objectives and Key Results: A Comprehensive Guide

In today's fast-paced business world, having a clear understanding of your organization's goals and how to achieve them...

Improving Performance: Identifying Areas for Success

Improving Performance: Identifying Areas for Success

Welcome to our article on improving performance through identifying areas for success! As a strategic management...

Incorporating Scenarios into Strategic Planning: A Comprehensive Guide

Incorporating Scenarios into Strategic Planning: A Comprehensive Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on incorporating scenarios into strategic planning! Strategic planning is a crucial...

Understanding PEST Analysis: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding PEST Analysis: A Comprehensive Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on PEST analysis, one of the most widely used strategic planning frameworks in the...

A Beginner's Guide to Conducting a SWOT Analysis

A Beginner's Guide to Conducting a SWOT Analysis

Welcome to our beginner's guide to conducting a SWOT analysis! Whether you are a business owner, a marketing...

Understanding SWOT Analysis: A Comprehensive Overview

Understanding SWOT Analysis: A Comprehensive Overview

Welcome to our comprehensive overview of SWOT analysis! If you're new to strategic planning frameworks, or if you're...

How to Conduct a PEST Analysis: Uncovering Key Factors for Strategic Planning

How to Conduct a PEST Analysis: Uncovering Key Factors for Strategic Planning

Are you looking to improve your strategic planning process? Conducting a PEST analysis can provide valuable insights and...

How to Craft a Successful Case Study: Key Takeaways and Lessons Learned

How to Craft a Successful Case Study: Key Takeaways and Lessons Learned

Are you looking to improve your business strategies and learn from successful examples? Look no further than case studies ...

How to Use the Balanced Scorecard in Strategic Planning

How to Use the Balanced Scorecard in Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is a crucial aspect of any successful organization. Without proper planning, businesses can easily...

Creating an Action Plan: A Comprehensive Guide to Strategic Planning

Creating an Action Plan: A Comprehensive Guide to Strategic Planning

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on creating an action plan. Whether you are a business owner, a project manager, or an ...

Understanding PEST Analysis: Identifying External Factors for Strategic Planning

Understanding PEST Analysis: Identifying External Factors for Strategic Planning

In today's constantly evolving business landscape, it is essential for organizations to have a strategic plan in place to ...

Key Components of a Strategic Plan: A Comprehensive Overview

Key Components of a Strategic Plan: A Comprehensive Overview

Are you looking to create a comprehensive strategic plan for your organization? Look no further, as we delve into the key ...

How to Master Scenario Planning: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Master Scenario Planning: A Comprehensive Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on mastering scenario planning - a powerful strategic planning tool that can help your ...

Understanding Porter's Five Forces for Strategic Planning

Understanding Porter's Five Forces for Strategic Planning

Welcome to our in-depth guide on understanding and utilizing Porter's Five Forces in strategic planning. As the business...

Examples of Strategic Planning in Specific Industries

Examples of Strategic Planning in Specific Industries

Strategic planning is an essential process for any organization, as it helps businesses to define their goals,...

Using Data to Inform Strategy: How to Use Market Research and Analysis for Strategic Planning

Using Data to Inform Strategy: How to Use Market Research and Analysis for Strategic Planning

In today's fast-paced business world, companies are constantly seeking new and effective ways to stay ahead of the...

Applying Strategies to Boost Your Business

Applying Strategies to Boost Your Business

Welcome to our latest case study on industry-specific strategies for boosting your business. In today's competitive...

How Case Studies and Success Stories Can Revolutionize Your Strategic Planning Models

How Case Studies and Success Stories Can Revolutionize Your Strategic Planning Models

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, success is often measured by the ability to adapt and innovate. This is...

Benefits and Limitations of the Model

Benefits and Limitations of the Model

When it comes to strategic planning, one of the most widely used and effective models is the Balanced Scorecard. This...

Maximizing Employee Buy-In and Adoption: Strategies for Successful Change Management

Maximizing Employee Buy-In and Adoption: Strategies for Successful Change Management

Maximizing Employee Buy-In and Adoption: Strategies for Successful Change ManagementChange is inevitable in any...

Identifying Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them: A Guide for Success

Identifying Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them: A Guide for Success

Welcome to our guide on identifying common pitfalls and how to avoid them. In life, we often face challenges and failures ...

Setting goals and objectives: A Strategic Planning Process

Setting goals and objectives: A Strategic Planning Process

Are you looking to achieve success in your personal or professional life? One of the most effective ways to do so is by...

The Importance of Measuring and Monitoring Progress in Performance Improvement Consulting

The Importance of Measuring and Monitoring Progress in Performance Improvement Consulting

Measuring and monitoring progress are crucial components of any successful performance improvement consulting strategy....

Creating and Evaluating Scenarios for Strategic Planning

Creating and Evaluating Scenarios for Strategic Planning

Welcome to our article on creating and evaluating scenarios for strategic planning! If you're looking for effective tools ...

Applying Insights to Your Own Strategy: How to Succeed in the Face of Challenges and Failures

Applying Insights to Your Own Strategy: How to Succeed in the Face of Challenges and Failures

Are you struggling to make progress with your business strategy? Do you feel like you're constantly facing challenges and ...

Strategies for Enhancing Performance: Unlocking Your Potential

Strategies for Enhancing Performance: Unlocking Your Potential

Welcome to our article on developing strategies for performance enhancement. In today's fast-paced business world, the...

Using Financial Data in Strategic Planning: A Comprehensive Guide

Using Financial Data in Strategic Planning: A Comprehensive Guide

Strategic planning is a crucial process for any business looking to achieve long-term success. It involves setting goals, ...

A Complete Guide to Strategic Planning

A Complete Guide to Strategic Planning

Are you wondering what strategic planning is and how it can benefit your organization? Look no further, as this complete...

Using SWOT Analysis to Inform Strategy: A Comprehensive Overview

Using SWOT Analysis to Inform Strategy: A Comprehensive Overview

When it comes to developing a successful strategy, businesses must have a strong understanding of their internal and...

Expert Guidance in Strategy Implementation: A Comprehensive Overview

Expert Guidance in Strategy Implementation: A Comprehensive Overview

Expert Guidance in Strategy Implementation: A Comprehensive OverviewAre you struggling with implementing effective...

A Comprehensive Guide to Implementing New Strategies and Processes

A Comprehensive Guide to Implementing New Strategies and Processes

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on implementing new strategies and processes. In today's fast-paced business world,...

Measuring Progress and Making Adjustments: A Guide to Strategic Planning

Measuring Progress and Making Adjustments: A Guide to Strategic Planning

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on measuring progress and making adjustments in the strategic planning process. As...

Forecasting Financials: A Comprehensive Overview for Strategic Planning

Forecasting Financials: A Comprehensive Overview for Strategic Planning

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on forecasting financials for strategic planning. In today's rapidly changing business ...

Developing Strategies and Tactics: A Comprehensive Guide to the Strategic Planning Process

Developing Strategies and Tactics: A Comprehensive Guide to the Strategic Planning Process

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on developing strategies and tactics for the strategic planning process. In today's...